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164楼. 柏萌 | @
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2006 -07-16 Sun 05:25:33 - 北京

163楼. Stanford | @ | url

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对本站有什么别的建议?: 强调内容的客观真实性,尽管这很难
2006 -07-12 Wed 16:10:40 - Sydney

斑竹回复   谢谢留言。如果以后网站程序需要帮忙,我会联系您。以前有一阵子我在网站上放过捐款账号,后来取消了。网站本身空间维护花不了多少钱,所以不用担心。


162楼. From Malaysia
First of all, this is the best web site on the net on the issues. I want to complement you on the hard work. The details provided on this site are superb, and your knowledge on the subject is undisputable. However, I must state my point clearly so that there are no misunderstandings:

1. This site is one-sided to the Chinese, which is understandable. While Chinese got a full page on why the island belongs to China, the rest of the nations got one sentences. One paragraph at most. I call this one sided. Again, it is understandable.

2. Lack of discussion of the international law on boundary dispute based on geographical claim. Past international court decisions has proved that geographical claims have been one of the strongest factor in boundary disputes. I am not saying that it is fair.

3. Chinese claims on the Nansha Islands are all based on ancient history and mostly at the time of turmoil such as governmental instability and civil unrest. Claims based on these periods of time are usually considered secondary factors. Because of the uncertainty and global instability at these times, none of the evidence from China can established a definite authority over these islands (that's why it is still in dispute).

4. China's claims on these islands fall short on prove of absolute sovereignty over these islands. And that is why we can conclude that no nations have the right to these islands as of today, including Malaysia. So there's no invasion, because sovereignty of these islands has not been establish. The problem for China is that they are too far from these islands and thus it is very hard to fight for "un-official" control over these islands.

5. As a Malaysian, I have reasons to be concerned about the present of Chinese military in such a proximity to Malaysia’s watery boundary. Other then profit from petroleum, Malaysia (and Philippines) has a legitimate reason to be involved in these disputes. This is way boundary claims are so important; control over water areas. No nations want the other nations within reach of its land. That presents threats and cause insecurity and unease to the region. And this is exactly why international court is in favor of claims based on geographical properties. Striving for regional balance is the priority task of the international court.

6. We must realize that you and I will never agree with each other for the simple fact that I am a Malaysian and you are a Chinese. But as civilize person, we must respect each other's ideas and give each other a chance to look into this matter through the perspective from both side. There are in no ways that I am claming that you or the Chinese are wrong or have no right to these islands.

7. These disputes must be solved through the United Nations. These cases must be file and trial at the international court. Whatever the court decision is, we must respect the outcome and put an end to these disputes.

In addition: Boundary disputes are also highly based on the cultures and societies on the disputed location. Languages, origins, socioeconomic are all important factors. Your can include these information on your website to increase spectrum and diversity.

Again, thank you for this wonderful website. I have really learned a lot from your information. I will come back often to digest all the information offered on this site.
2006 -06-29 Thu 11:19:08 - Malaysia

斑竹回复   I haven't got enough time and energy to cover many parts of this issue yet, that is one reason why many of the other claimants' ideas were not so much discussed. You may have noticed that I haven't yet even finished the section on Claimants' views, this is also due to lack of information I can get. Somemore, my knowledge on this topic is very limited, not to be modest.

I am not sure whether International Court favours proximity or not because I haven't studied that part yet.

SO who is not one-sided? It is just a matter of to what extent. Do your Malaysian Nasional Schools teach you that part of Chinese history in one page just to glorifying the Malays themselves or to truely let you know more about the Chinese history? And besides that "China based their claims over the Spratly Islands on historical ground" was anything else mentioned in your Malaysian media? Including that most Island names were given by the Chinese fishermen and recorded by the British a few hundread years ago, and in 1935 we published the map on South China Sea islands to the world and in 1947 we changed the names and put them under Guangdong and Hainan's administration, and since then we have announced how many times that these islands are Chinese sovereignty, but we were weak so the Americans dominated the Nanhai and at the time Taiwan lost its position in UN to the mainland the Philippines took the good chance to occupy more islands making good use of the timing, and in 1970s it was "discovered" that there is a lot of hydrocarbons under the Sea and other parties started to make their claims official? And Malaysia did a good job putting a permanent presense in the Spratlys during a "Five power exercise" in the 1980s.

On the South China Sea today's China claims the same area, the same islands just as the 1930s Kuomingtang did and in 1940s put into administration after WWII and the 1949 newly founded PRC did, we never go beyond that, we don't want other nation's lands, that is just not our way, so why are you worried? How did we threaten Malaysia and the Philppines? Yet other parties just came in and say "hey I think it is mine" and they started occupying these features when we were weak and struggling. Now sometimes they say "this is disputed", some times they say "it is ours, there is no dispute at all", like the Philippines, the Malaysian officials, and the Vietnamese. Isn't that one-sided?

I understand that in Southeast Asia the "communists" have been portraited as "gangsters and trouble makers" and in such a way your people were educated and view China-the so-called "communist country" left in the world as such. But in my view the Chinese communist party & government today is more capitalist than many Capitalist parties in the world.

I also hope these disputes be solved peacefully. And I think there are many more important things in this world to do, in Malaysia the races are not equal yet, in China many are poor and a lot of corrupt.

Welcome to discuss and to share your ideas, and I want to say the Malaysia government is very successful in dealing with others on the disputes and doing a good job controlling disputed places. How I hope our Chinese government can do just as well. If they had done it, there should be no such dispute today at all and probably in 1998 the Indonesian Chinese would not suffer so much.

161楼. From Malaysia
So, just based the Chinese sovereignty on a couple old maps will make these islands China's? Ridiculous!!! It should be based on nation's logical boundaries and geographical properties. I strongly believe that the Chinese has no right what so ever to these Island groups. However, the international court will award the final authorities to these Islands. And I believe that's the right path to go.

P.S. Some posters on this message board are talking about invading other nations. That's some scary talk. Every nation in the world should strive for peace and employed diplomatic and political path to solve international problems. This kind of invading talk should not be encouraged. I suggest that these posts be deleted from this board.

Suggestion: Please also talk about the reason behind other nation's claim to the islands and the legitimacy of their claims. Please do not so simply said that other nation’s claims are illogical and un-based. To do so is a sign of ignorance and very disrespectful to other nations. Please do not treat other nation’s sovereignty lightly.
对本站有什么别的建议?: talk about the reason behind other nation's claim
2006 -06-28 Wed 10:15:19

斑竹回复   1. China's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands is not just based on a couple of old maps. It is also ridiculous if because somebody's islands locates within 200nm from your coast and you sent your navy to it and claim it is yours. I strongly believe China's right over the Spratly Islands are the most rightful compared to all other parties including Malaysia which joined the dispute in late 1970s, the latest one. When scholars like Dieter Heinzig from Germany started discuss about the South China Sea issues, the Philippines and Malaysia and Brunei were not even mentioned because these countries were simply not the claimants. Your geographical proximity isn't a legal base for your claim over other nation's territory.

2. So what about the time when the Philippines and the Malaysia invaded to Spratlys, that was invasion. I suggest you invaders withdraw from our land first.

3. I guess you understand Chinese, and please look deep into the articles posted in this web site. The reasons given by different claimants are included in this web site and were not simply said as illogical because I gave my reasons why these reasons/excuses are legimate or not. After that it is for the readers themselves to think and decide who & what to believe.

4. Please do not treat other nation's sovereignty lightly, too.

160楼. 渔民 | @ | url
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2006 -06-27 Tue 02:28:15 - 中国

斑竹回复   个人力量有限,只能尽量而为。谢谢您鼓励。

159楼. 洪声辉 | @ | url
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2006 -06-16 Fri 22:33:37 - 广东海丰

158楼. 战俘POW | @ | url

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2006 -06-13 Tue 00:36:25 - 桂林工学院南宁分院04数控1班

157楼. 许元太 | @
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2006 -06-10 Sat 04:53:49 - 湖南永州

156楼. 呂三峽 | @ | url
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2006 -06-8 Thu 04:44:03 - 台灣台北

斑竹回复   謝謝您的鼓勵!我會繼續加油。願我中華民族早日復興、收復失地!

155楼. 张富昌
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2006 -06-7 Wed 07:55:56

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